To Canyonlands and Beyond
Leaving Valley of the Gods, we head north and eventually east towards Blanding.  Just outside of town, somebody with a sense of humour is using an old public telephone booth as a signpost.
Out in the desert, you see all sorts of interesting signs...
... and signals. This one is an airport navigational beacon.
...and some very special ones.

Newspaper Rock at the southern end of the Canyonlands region is ancient.

A very good restaurant in Moab
Canyonlands National Park has a simple and low-footprint layout. The domes on the roof are light pipes and the interior is lit very well with them.
A used machinery place on the main drag. Note the dinosaur presiding.

There was a rodeo starting on Saturday when we were there. An unmarked Sherriff's truck blocks traffic in front of the opening parade. A telephoto shot shows handcuffs at the ready...
Arrival at Bryce
Leaving Canyonlands behind, the fastest way looks as if it might be to go west over to Bryce Canyon through Green River via Interstate 70 and then down  the 89. Another way is to take a scenic route: Just after passing through Green River, take Route 24 through the San Rafael Desert to Hanksville, and then cross through Capitol Reef National Park and the Waterpocket Fold. Then take the 12 through the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument to Cannonville and thence to Bryce.
You never know when you might meet a bobcat or cougar...
return to previous section
There is some very interesting driving along these long country roads. There's one section called Hog's Back, and it's a good place to pay attention and not drift onto the shoulder, not that there is one...the first video shows that little stretch, and the the second one is sped up 5X to show some of the landscape and how it changes over several miles.
The videos work better on Youtube than embedding them here.

The narrow section of Hog's Back at regular speed:

A sampler of the terrain towards the Waterpocket Fold, played back at 5 x normal speed.